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Sailboat - wikipedia, A sailboat sailing boat boat propelled partly sails smaller sailing ship.distinctions constitutes sailing boat ship vary region maritime culture.. A sailboat or sailing boat is a boat propelled partly or entirely by sails smaller than a sailing ship.Distinctions in what constitutes a sailing boat and ship vary by region and maritime culture. Sailboat listings sailboats sale owner., 48' cheoy lee offshore 48 center cockpit perry design san diego, california $65,000. 48' Cheoy Lee Offshore 48 Center Cockpit Perry Design San Diego, California Asking $65,000 Trailer-sailer blue lightning performance sailboat designs , Trailer sailing: blue lightning, bluestorm blue skies fast, beautiful sophisticated trailer-sailers build .. Trailer sailing: Blue Lightning, BlueStorm and Blue Skies are fast, beautiful and sophisticated trailer-sailers that you can build yourself.
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